Public Sector

Public Sector

Foster creativity and assist initiatives in the public sector with AWS Solutions

When public sector executives working on genuine cloud computing initiatives seek to improve citizen services, speed up innovation and digital transformation, and devote more time and money to their core goals, they frequently turn to Amazon Web Services (AWS) powered by AeonX.

We firmly believe that engaged cloud computing projects overwhelmingly turn to the power and speed of the cloud when you want to serve citizens more effectively. So, with the help of experienced tech experts, we formulate the perfect match to smoothen and streamline operations in Government, Education, Non-profit, as well as Healthcare organizations around the world.

Use Cases

Explore what the Expert AWS Guidance Brings

  • Increasing the scalability of PI Servers globally and enabling plant supervisors with simple employee record maintenance
  • Simplifying the processes for collecting, organising, and uploading data to the cloud for safe connection to on-premises devices.
  • Being independent of operating system and language, allowing selection of development environment that best serves your goals.
  • Addressing to the use of available services to easily concentrate on innovation rather than infrastructure.
  • Swiftly creating, exploring, and iterating the records with AWS’s extensive global cloud infrastructure
  • Deploying new apps to instantly scale up as your workload increases, and scaling down based on demand rather than having to wait weeks or months for hardware.
  • Assisting our customers with navigating procurement and policy concerns associated with the implementation of cloud computing.
  • Utililizing AWS’s commercial cloud capability across all classification levels: Unclassified, Sensitive, Secret, and Top Secret to complete missions
  • With no upfront costs or long-term obligations, AWS offers affordable pay-as-you-go pricing meeting all the requirements of the organizationp, sticking by the customer centric model.
  • Constructing and operating a large-scale worldwide infrastructure under cut down cloud and server prices yet seeking completely secured and smooth service
  • Managing your organization’s IT infrastructure can be done more securely with the help of broad security certification and accreditation
  • Adding up data encryption at rest and in transit, hardware security modules for high levels of physical security.
  • Digitizing systems that are scalable, affordable, and nearly always accessible for tracking production processes and performance indicators.
  • Adding up this with the need to increase profitability, reinforce judgement, and enhance labour productivity with free access from any device across the globe.
  • Using a consistent set of tools for a continuous supply of the newest technology, and the flexibility to quickly grow across the globe.
  • Complete digitalization of the public sector to make data broadly accessible and enabling well-organized process management.

Professional Approach

And Quality Services

Our Approach

Discover The Advantage Expert AWS Guidance Brings

Experience across the years

AeonX has assisted hundreds of companies in making money from their internet marketing initiatives. With results-driven e-marketing solutions, we assist our customers grow their businesses by utilizing this knowledge and skills.

Goal-oriented Approach

We establish business objectives and goals and put in place measurement tools to enable monitoring and analysis of website traffic, lead generation, overall growth, email campaign effectiveness, social media reach, and several other metrics.

Simplified and Quality-Oriented

We follow a four-phase approach to pursue our client’s web design project successfully and effectively. Throughout the process, we use quality-control checklists, and we will keep in regular contact with you to let you know how your project is progressing.

Exceptional Developers

Our engineers and designers are masters in their industries and incredibly competent. Each of them has years of expertise developing aesthetically appealing online solutions that make use of pixel-perfect, clean, well-documented, W3C-compliant, SEO-optimized code.

Managed Services

Go from operation to optimization with a well-proven enterprise operating model to enjoy end-to-end AWS solutions at every stage of the cloud journey. It will range from consultation on initial solution design to building applications via ongoing support.

Simple to Manage Online Platforms

Your website must be manageable and scalable. We create websites with browser-based content management systems because they make it simple for you to log in and add new pages, blog posts, photographs, videos, and other content.

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